20211028 : Blocked nose
Before the stroke, I have always been very prone to colds, running nose, nasal blocks, etc.
Irrespective of what you would have found in my bag, you would have found a box of Kleenex wipes. If I went somewhere without my bag, you could count on finding a small packet of soft wipes in one of my pockets. There was a box on my desk, in my living room, next to my bed, etc. you get the picture.
For 2 years and 8 months, I have known no cold, no running nose, no blocked nose, etc.
It's like the nasal cavity, like rest of the body, has forgotten how it was for decades.
Every evening, I do some breathing exercises - respirometer, blowing different whistles and blowing the candle out.
Blowing the candle is the hardest. Some valve in the upper oral cavity/ nasal cavity needs to close automatically to close the nasal cavity and direct the air through the mouth.
This doesn't yet work effectively for me. So, any air I try to blow comes through the nose and the mouth/ lips just make the action. It's soo funny - everyone around will be cheering me to blow harder - when that is not the issue.
Anyway, yesterday, I was blowing the candle relatively easily. I was thrilled that the valve has finally started functioning....
Only to realise later, my left nostril was completely blocked. That made it relatively easier ...
It was mixed emotions.
Disappointed that the valve was not yet working. Happy that the nose had found it's way back. Alarmed that I have to deal with blocked nose/ colds in my state of limited mobility. Horror that sometime both nostrils could get blocked - I just can't keep my jaw open to breathe from the mouth...
I don't know what is in store. Just have to trust the body/mind to do something and survive. It has somehow pulled through till now.
I shall resort to my favourite chant when I am struggling a lot...
"If it doesn't kill you, then it will make you stronger" ...
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