20211026 : The Hearing experiment

For the past week almost, my TV has conked. It is likely to take a few more days to get it set right. I am currently feeling like a fish out of water.

I have resorted to listen to songs. I am actually liking it. Many of the old albums, english, hindi, instrumental, etc. These were my favourite albums/ songs and I have listened to them countless times in the past.

Although it has been many years, I just need to hear the first 1 or 2 seconds of the starting tune/ beats and I am able to know the song. In many albums - playing in order, I am able to remember which song will play next. It's crazy after all this time!

It has got me thinking, what if I play a song, keep the phone close to the right ear, close my left ear fully and play the song along in my head?

My right ear, which is completely not working, still the sounds hit the ear, still gets converted to neural signals, but they don't reach the brain. Except I don't need the signals. The brain already knows and is singing alongside.

This cannot work for any other talk or when the brain hijacked by the visual inputs I guess.

Hopefully it will make it easier for the workers working on the rewiring for the right ear easier...


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