20211005 : Toothache nightmare

If you have seen the movie "inception" you will be familiar with the concept of a dream within a dream.

Well, I am about to have a nightmare within a nightmare.

After my stroke, I have been struggling to open my jaw. For sometime, I thought it was affected like everything else and muscular control was gone and therefore not moving.

After a little more than a year, I realised that it was not just weaknesses but a sort of condition where the jaw is kind of locked and can't even be forced open from the outside by others. I realised this when they struggled at the hospital to insert a "bite block" during my tests (a "bite block" is inserted into the mouth to prevent accidentally biting the tongue during procedures). During my surgeries needing an endoscope to be inserted it was a big challenge too. Because it was extremely painful, they couldn't do it while I was concious and have done so only after knocking me out. In one of the procedures, they successfully knocked out one of my front teeth as well and the others are left shaking. I can barely open my mouth a little over 1.5cm and I can hardly hold it open for 10 sec.

I have major aspiration and I simply just cannot put any amount of water in my mouth without it seeping into the wind pipe causing violent cough.

You must be wondering, what's new about this. I have been living with all these for so long.
And you would be right, cause there is nothing new about it.

When I had the stroke, like many things, I have had no sensation in my mouth. No feeling around teeth/ gums.

Very slowly, some of the sensation is coming back. Which is good news generally speaking.

Many years back, my last molar had developed a cavity. It was not visible as it was behind the tooth. When it was caught, it was quite bad and had to do a root canal.

Its been 2y 8m since I have brushed my teeth. They clean a bit of the teeth (front teeth mainly, as they can't open my mouth and reach in anywhere else).

For a very long time, there was nothing orally taken. In the last couple of weeks, I am forcing a few spoons everyday. No brushing after.

Some sensation is returning... Meaning, I can feel the pain return sometimes.

I can't visit a dentist.
Even if I went, I can't sit in the chair.
Even if i sat there, my mouth can't be pry-ed open to take a look.
Even if it could be opened, can't use the instruments - they spray water continuously, which has to be held and spat out regularly.

and there lies the nightmare... Within my life, which has been a nightmare after my stroke already...


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