20210923 : neural pathways

After my stroke, rather a couple of weeks after, I have been able to feel almost everything in the right side of the body.
I can feel touch. I can feel pressure on the skin- this was a little diminished earlier. I can feel irritation. I can feel the pinch. However the sense of temperature is all over the place. However, in many places, I can feel absolutely nothing.

It makes me think that the nerve to each area/ muscle is not 1, but composite. Like the wires we get. One wire, but multiple strands.

That's only for reception.

Most areas there is absolutely no transmissions from the brain. However, as some sensation comes gradually, in some places I can feel the muscles. I can flex/ compress the muscle, but I can't relax it after.

Makes me think its different strands to control as well.

In all. There must be too many strands to all go straight to the brain. They may be more like a tree structure converging at many points finally converging into the information super highway, the spine.

If that is the case, how does the brain know where sensations are coming from or where a stimulus needs to go?

It can only work if at each point of convergence (node) there is some intelligence that can decipher the message and send it along to the right place and vice-versa. 

Doesn't that sound like the routers on the internet? Sounds like we have the fastest internet within us...🙂

PS: I haven't consulted with Dr. Google on this. I did ask a neurosurgeon, who just laughed 😂


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