20210921 : Calorie content of foods

This thought is not new. I've felt this way for a very long time. Just sharing it to see how right or wrong I have always been.

Whenever I shopped for food items, I looked very carefully at the ingredients list - to see what all crap we were putting in. But never read anything about the nutritional information. Especially the calories.

I always felt it made no sense. It's like picking up a litre of petrol because it said 100kms.

What does that mean anyway.

We will only know how far it will go, if we know the make/model of the vehicle, how old the engine is, it's maintenance/efficiency, Breakdowns in the past, etc.

Sure, 1 litre will go 100kms, if you are running a moped maybe, but if you own a truck, good luck.

All the nutritional information and calorific values are of the food, mostly in a lab. 

No idea what amount of it one is capable of absorbing or converting to energy.

We can only know when we know the age, the weight, the heigh, the metabolic capacity, condition - healthy or ill, etc.

I feel what's printed is utter nonsense by the product marketing teams, with a hope of increasing sales...

I also have similar thoughts on the medical tests we do for many things. But given my condition, I think I am far from qualified to comment... So I'll keep it to myself....😂


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