20210920 : school starts for my daughter
Today, school starts for my elder daughter - offline, physical school, after almost 1.5 years.
I am very happy for her and the kids in general. But I am very sad for myself.
Not because she won't be in the house, I wouldn't see the kids when they were in online class also.
I am very sad because I won't be able to see her class materials and submissions anymore. It was helping me to be involved in some way in her academics from this year. I used to enjoy the tour of the classroom everyday.
I can't help but think, will other parents go through this withdrawal symptom caused by the sudden loss of visibility enjoyed for so long. Or will it be a celebration for it stopping…
Will the children rejoice, for the parents can no longer keep tabs.
Will the teachers be relieved -- no longer having scrutinizing eyes of parents with everything...
For now, I will enjoy the same transparency with my younger daughter - while it lasts...
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