20210508 : capitalists...

The news splash on all channels, is about this guy "Navneet Kalra" , from Delhi, who was buying oxygen concentrators from China cheaply, for as low as 20K INR and selling it to desperate folks at over 70K INR. They have seized hundreds of them...

Well, frankly, its Opportunistic, Greedy, Unethical and any similar adjectives. But why is it unlawful? Unless he was selling for cash under the table to avoid tax, why the manhunt to arrest him?

It was only pricing a product for what customers are willing to pay. Isn't that how everything works in a free market?

The sophisticated folks know to buy Starbucks when it rains well in Brazil. What does the straightforward person do?

Why is everyone so shocked with this when we have sown and nurtured capitalistic minds everywhere??

The only accomplishment is, we now have hundreds of oxygen concentrator units, off the market, which could have saved hundreds of desperate lives...


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