20210507 : Man's search for meaning.

Over the past month + , i have kept busy looking at old photos/videos, editing them etc., making video, spending a gread deal of time online and amazon extensively searching for things, ordering them then tracking them and intervening when there were delivery problems etc. 

Given the dexterity of my left hand/fingers, and my eyesight (I only started wearing glasses few days back) it took a very long time, with many mistakes and correction cycles.

In the large scheme of things, it was all trivial work, but i knew it would make a difference., and I'm sure it did.

Now that the date has come and gone, i wake up this morning without something to do. A purpose , however silly, to go on. Its a big deflation.

I am sure everyone will suggest to do this or that to keep myself occupied.. 
That's not the point. I know many things to kill time, but none of then come from within as something purposeful..

So starts my search , as Victor Franknel said - for "Man's search for meaning"


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