20210507 : does the body have a mind of it's own

My right hand fingers sometimes fold and become rigid and its impossible to straighten them till it relaxes on its own .. some of you who have battled with it know what i  am talking abt.
It has increased a lot nowadays, both frequency and intensity.

The nurses try to battle with it often... 

Now , i have 2 nurses. One is very sloppy with everything she does and the other is ok.

 When the sloppy one tries to make it straight, she just can't. On the contrary when she tries, the fingers shrivel up further and close up tighter. It doesn't happen so with othe other. It just gives a usual fight, wins some and loses some...

Now i know what we feel, that I'm mentally biased and so the hand behaves accordingly.. that's the logical explanation.

However, the signals are not even making it to the mind/brain. If it did, i'd be able to move it voluntarily... My MEP test established that .

So who is making the decision for my hand on how to react? Does the body have a mind of its own?

"Gut instinct" is different.. Malcom Gladwell has explained it well in "Blink", where our mind processes a lot of information and past experiences and arrives at a conclusion in the blink of an eye. Since we don't have the step wise explanation, it manifests itself as a feeling. Hence, we say my gut says so or my heart say so. But it's still mind stuff.

This is different. A more local decision devoid of brain.

I am not sure if animals know this more. Why does a dog bark its head off on some and not others.
Why does a Cat easily go to some folks but run away from others..

What if there is more to the saying "to know it in my bones..."


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