20210206 : Assessment and hopes...

This is what i think and feel. I could be off a bit, not a lot, based on practical experience...

Long term:
Based on how things are moving, i feel i will probably get back to about 30% of what i used to be overall...
Let me qualify that,
Left hand almost fully ok with much lesser strength. Right hand very minimal movement. I will become a leftie...
I think i will be able to independently sit up and stand up. However given my balance situation, walking by myself seems like a miracle. Running impossible...
Legs will be better, right will be weaker..
Voice and speech will come back, but speech will be very slow and softer.. this could be faster after the vocal chords procedure, i dont know...
I will probably get to semi solids, maybe soft solids, like upma, kichidi , etc. Proper solid food life is over. ( But drinks life will still exist, few more years to make up now 😜)
Problems with digestion, constipation, etc will persist, albeit a bit better.
Lungs state and my bronchitis issues could be worse than before

How long will it take:
Well, it will be a lifelong battle definitely. However the rate of improvement will platue out after sometime. I feel, for me, it'll be after another 7 - 8 years.

In the short term ( next 1 year ):
I have learnt through enough expectations and painful disappointments that its best not to have goals and targets (that was my natural thinking from yesterlife). This recovery process is also nowhere linear. Nor is it predictable (like 1 step backwards and 2 forwards) you have no way of knowing when and how many steps forward or backward you have taken. But over a long period of time, you know there is some positive progress. Much like long term investing in the stock exchange index. Day traders wont make it here...
So, never before had i truly understood the meaning of "don't worry about results, just be committed to the process" .

So, these are my hopes for next year. If it happens, great. Otherwise its ok. It will happen sometime later
* Little more strength in left hand. Especially shoulder so i can lift my hand easily
* Some more strength in left leg, especially be able to fold up my leg and maybe lift it a little
* Some movement of right hand, just wriggle my fingers, even if uncoordinated
* Ditto for right toes, just wriggle
* Slightly better sitting posture. Little more straight i e.
* I dont expect any improvement in swallowing. On the contrary, i hope it won't deteriorate and i can continue swallowing spoonfuls of liquid.
* Consistent voicing. Not speech even. Just voice whenever i want to
* Ability to inhale more, for 2 secs at least and to be able to hold breath for just a fraction of a second. Not a full second, just a fraction..
* Double vision reduces further, not fully gone
* Lastly, slightly better sense of smell and taste. Don't know how to qualify this, just improved 

Those are my hopes......


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