20210110 : Hiccups and Balance..

When i was out of surgery, my neurosurgeon told my wife that I'd have a lot of hiccups and balance issues because of where i had the stroke.

The hiccups have been quite a lot. They were so much early on. They also made it to my hallucinations when in icu. When it starts, i know next few hrs is gone and i am unable to do anything else. My personal record is about 4 days non stop. It has gotten better and 3-4 hours every few days now. It has reduced in duration and frequency, except more intensity. Actually i dont know if its stronger or i just struggle more as there is on less hole in the airway to manage it.. but I'm hopeful it'll get better over time with the trend line...

The balance is an issue I've had from day 1 as well. Its hard to describe.. i cant move an inch, but feel like I'm falling all the time. The closest i can think of is feeling of getting a kick as described from the movie inception (https://youtu.be/V9uX_WamuYA) . It is a milder version ,but the feeling is there 24x7. I m guessing it has done some damage to the inner ear, hence i cant also hear in my right ear. This hasn't changed or reduced from day 1 so im not hopeful it'll improve over time.
Another part of the imbalance, maybe because half my body doesnt work, is that i have lost the sense of centre of gravity or i cant make out being straight or slant unless i visually see myself. Ex, i am told by many that my head is tilted left all the time. I feel its straight . Only when i see it (reflection on the tv in front) do i see its crook and have to put additional effort to correct it.
When I'm vertical (sitting or standing) , there is a constant pull on me like the drag you feel in a vehicle with misaligned wheels. This varies all the time, somedays its pulling me left, somedays right side, and the intensity varies all the time. So i have to put additional pull on the opposite side to counter the feeling and stop myself from falling...

Everyday, when they move me to the wheelchair, they ask me if im sitting ok. The reality is i have no way to make out. I just blindly say no, so they can further lift me and it'll hopefully correct any imbalance. The worst is when I'm sitting with hip twisted i.e., most of the weight is on one buttock and not equally balanced.  I can only know about an hr or so later, because the butt starts to pain like hell and depending on how bad, i ask them to correct or move me back. Thats why some days i can sit for ~4 hrs and some days cant last even ~2hr .

In this state standing up, let alone walk is a very distant dream, even if the physio strengthens she limbs...im not sure who im kidding by still not giving away the bike!!!!


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