20201218 : The Senses

We all normally have 5 senses. Thats how we perceive the world. The mind uses the senses to interpret the world. We only know everything because we are taught that way. Ex. We all agree something is red because we are taught that way. If everyone is asked to rate the depth of that colour from 1 to 100 ,they would all be different. A colour blind person will be way off. Everything is the way it is because everyone agrees not because its true but because there is consensus.

I went in this thinking because,

My eyesight isnt ok. The combined image formed is nonsense.
My ability to smell is very diminished and damaged. Cant rely on it, i know because , when others are complaining of something, i wont even be getting the smell.
I dont even have to start about my toungue and taste.
While left ear seems ok, right ear is stone deaf and a constant high pitched shrill noise playing constantly.
My sense of feel is unique. Ive realised i can only feel movement and not actual touch. Ex, if someone runs their hand against me and stops, I'll know as long as there is movement, if they stop i wont know if they are still touching if i can't see. When i sit on the wheelchair with pillow, i cant see my legs, so i wont even feel if my right leg is there or not. I don't feel temperatures the same way. When the nurses give me my sponge bath, the water will be steaming and they'll be sometimes struggling to handle it, but I don't feel it much. When I am sitting out, everyone is complaining how cold and chilly it is, but i dont feel it much at all. However, my sense of breeze/wind is very increased. I feel very affected by even a sliver of open window, hell I can even feel people walk past me because of the breeze when they walk past.

So, my reality is different to others. Because I've lived normally for 43 years, i know it's different. But what if you are born with diminished or enhanced senses, what is reality then. You wont know the baseline to even know how different you are from the "Consensus". You are just living your reality. Its neither correct or incorrect, just different.

So i continue to live my reality, hoping someday slowly it will converge with the "Consensus Reality".


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