20210825 : the guy

The guy in the corner room:

It has been about 1 and half years since I came home. In all this time, I just have not been able to figure him out.

I am thinking he is plain lazy. Just is lying down all the time!

I go into the corner room in the mornings, I like the warm sunlight that comes in. He keeps staring at me...

It's quite weird, there are always two girls with him. They are usually nice to me. But I keep my distance. Everytime I think of making friends, they go away and someone new comes. I must have seen a dozen at least by now.

I don't know what he does. Every now and then I go and check, and the tv will be always on. I have not seen it off for a minute during the day.

Sometimes someone puts me up on the bed with him. He just strokes my head. I think he likes doing it. But he doesn't fuss like everyone else does. I get bored in a few minutes and scoot.

Somedays I have seen him cry. I can be sure mom will put me up those times. I think it comforts him. I don't know what to do. I try to lick him but everyone around raise their voice at me. I've stopped trying nowadays.

That's another thing. He seems to like me but hasn't spoken to me at all. Everyone else speak to me so much, not that I understand any of it. But it helps me understand the mood, whether they are speaking sweetly or sternly.

Everyone sometimes give titbits to me. A piece of chappathi or bread or something else. They can't refuse when I make those melting eyes of mine. But never him. Very hard heart I might say.

When my family friends come home, he seems happy. I catch him laughing sometimes. But he doesn't join in conversation or any other things. Strange...

Every evening he comes out of the room to the living room. I look forward to it. He almost always gives me the treats I like so much. I just have to let him stroke my head in exchange. Just a few minutes after.

He sits on a strange chair that moves. It doesn't look very comfy in my opinion. Some days, someone picks me up and puts me on him and I get a ride on that chair. Its fun. But its not very comfortable and I get off soon. Its very high also and I get nervous.

Another thing I like in the evening when he sits out, is that my Biscuit Grandma comes then and gives me biscuits. There used to be biscuit grandpa coming earlier. He used to speak nicely to me too. He stopped coming sometime back. Don't know why.

Sometimes both my sisters and mom go out all together. it gets very lonely and I get very anxious. Those times i go to him to get stroked and comforted.

He is always home and goes nowhere. Its reassuring to know I won't be alone as long as he is at home...


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