20210819 : Godmen and woowoo factor

Few days back, I had a few friends home, and I was witness to a hilarious conversation

One of them, let's call that person A, is very logical, rational, practical, spiritual (in a non traditional way) and is ready to accept iffi stuff as long as there is a logical explanation or proof.

B, is also logical, rational, practical, is spiritual but is more open to accept various possibilities.

I don't remember how the conversation got there, but it was very amusing to listen to both points of view about the famous Double split experiment where a particle changes its behaviour between a particle and wave, based on whether it is observed or not. The hilarious part was, just like the experiment, the same observation was deduced by A as supporting a scientific knowledge of Heisenberg's uncertainty principle and B used the same observation to support the proof of energy in spirituality to accept various possibilities. The irony was so funny.

Then the conversation came finally to Godmen and the miracles they do.

B was of the strong position that it is various siddhis they have attained through spiritual practices.

A, on the other hand, found it unnecessary to build a "halo effect" around them. The "woo woo" factor as it was referred to. Mind you, A also thinks many of the well known Godmen and Guru's are very rational people and regards them well. However, what is the need for the "woo woo" factor. Why the special effects when they make sense without it .

It got me thinking, why indeed?

Really enlightened souls don't need or want the drama with these things.

The contemporary Godmen do much good to so many people. Have involved themselves in so many initiatives for the larger society. Seem to revel in the exposure. There is inconsistency in expected behaviour. Are they really the enlightened souls as portrayed.

I feel this... 

Most enlightened souls don't bother about others. It's not that they don't care about others. I am sure they do. They don't bother to go out of the way to prove it. I guess they know very well everyone is having their own journey and it doesn't matter. Everyone will get to the same place eventually. Anyway the long eventful lives we all wish for, is a blip on the radar in astronomical terms. It wont translate to a micro second in universal terms...

The Godmen variety, are also enlightened souls, but for some reason, care for others. For social issues. For the planet, etc. They must want to disseminate what they have understood to others, for others' own good.

So they have the schools. But you can only teach the children if they turn up to the school right. So what is their "mid-day meal scheme"? The meal gets the children first, and other relevant things can also be taught right. 

Also, I dont think rational and logical folks (us) are the target audience. If they want to make a difference to many, we are not the masses. We may be good ByCatch but not the target fish. Masses need to see the miracles. The magic. The "woo woo" things are the mid-day meal.

I don't know the mechanics after, but I am assuming there is some type of filtering and bubbling up to share more to a few than the masses, in hope of keeping the flame burning. This flame will burn out eventually no....



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