
20220909 : global domination

"The Queen is dead, long live the King" is all I have seen on every news channel from world over today. I might be wrong, but I think the English were the most successful of colonial rulers the world over. Yes, there were many others - Spanish/ French/ Dutch etc., but I think the English were the most successful. Colonial rule has dwindled very much and very very few territories left over. Territorially speaking, the writing is on the wall. However, have the colonies really ended! I have a nurse currently, who is the silent/ quiet type. She is one of the sharp/ smart nurses I have had. She speaks and is comfortable in Hindi and her local language. She speaks and understands little English. When I have to explain something, we chat in Hindi. I often wonder though - when did she become the silent type. Has she been seen as "not smart enough" because she struggled with understanding/ conveying things to others and it has been hammered in regularly. It may not be very o

20220903 : Signature

I was doing something with regard to digital signature today. I was thinking about it. After my stroke, since I can't sign, I have become an "angoota chaap" (left hand thumb impression guy) for attesting documents. I used to feel bad about it earlier, not anymore. Anybody's signature can be copied and forged. But not mine. You see I attest my documents with unbreakable secure attestation now - by affixing ultra secure biometric impression on my documents 😂

2022902 : mind - stroke

Disclaimer : These thoughts and views are mine based on thinking and feeling. They have no medical backing so please take it with a pinch of salt or discard entirely 🙂 *** All of the brain stroke cases, ischemic, hemorrhagic or any other type leads to a damage to a part of the brain. The body is a slave to the brain , entirely - 100%. Various functions of the body are impacted depending on where the stroke occurred and the extent of damage it caused. The brain is difficult to heal. It has the capacity to heal but takes instructions only from the mind. Yes, I think the brain is a slave to the mind, 100%. Yes, the brain can be exercised through external therapy and drugs etc. However I think it can only be healed by the mind.  Where is the mind and is it separate to the brain? I don't know the answer to that with certainty, but I think it is. I also don't know if the mind resides in the head or the whole body or somewhere else, but I do think it is seperate to the brain. The bra

20220829 : passing

I hear news of someone who has passed all the time. It is sad news no doubt - about anyone. It is indeed even more sad for the immediate family who have had a lot of closeness with the person who has passed. It is especially tragic when it was an accident or unexpected and sudden. However, when it is a reasonably old person or somebody having a illness and has suffered for a long time passing - why do we feel sad? I certainly don't rejoice and feel happy about it, but I don't feel sad either. If I know they were not well and suffering from a while, a part of me actually feels good and a sense of relief for the person. Why do folks go out of the way to retain/ hold back someone if they are not ok or suffering and arguably have had a full life. I don't know if I am cruel to think/ feel this way... If we have a long life, anyway it is still a flash in the pan in real terms of the universe and time...

20220826 : glass empty/ full

I have looked at the "glass half empty" a lot. I have also genuinely looked at it "half full".  However, It is truly hard to continue to maintain that view of 50:50 when you know the glass is filled very little and there is a lot of empty space and nothing new is pouring in...

20220822 : join the dots

I have been asked by many earlier to start practicing writing with my left hand. I think the last time I tried it was a year ago. I realised writing was far, I couldn't even hold the pencil. That was the when I had stopped. I was asked again a few days back - this time by my SLP therapist. I would have ignored it again, but I was given additional logic that it will help the balance of functioning of both sides of the brain and help recovery. The skeptic in me spoke to me pointing out that there was nothing wrong with my brain (both sides) and it was far below in the brain stem. I finally thought - what is there to lose, some more entertainment during the day sometime. So I ignored the skeptic. The poor experience of the attempt last year was not completely forgotten. I decided to take baby steps before running. I ordered a "join the dots" book. It was advertised as "for ages 3-4 years". I thought - sounds right. I am 3½ years into the stroke. I got it yesterday

20220821 : winging it

When I joined my job, it was a very fast growing industry and there were shortages everywhere. Most importantly resources/ manpower/ people for everything. Naturally we became experts in "winging it". Basically not experts in much but a very versatile in picking up anything very fast and "on the job". "High Learnability" was the term coined for it. Recently, a few of my ex-colleagues (very good friends now) had caught up and discussing many of these gory but exciting battle stories. Needless to say, I am seasoned at this and identifying "Learnability" in people. Our industry has decelerated quite a bit. Its still expanding - but has decelerated quite a bit. All the "fresh" folks now have 2-3 decades under their belts and they are going nowhere soon! Another industry that is going through the same expansion is in healthcare (disease care as somebody has said).  There are approximately 400,000 arrivals everyday and only 185,000 departures